Monday, March 9, 2009

grey's anatomy

"Sister time" means it's time to go shopping, eat charly's subs and lounge around on the couch watching the tv series of our choice. Some of our top choices for viewing pleasures are #1 Grey's Anatomy, #2 Ugly Betty and #3 Gossip Girl. This weekend was help-nina-catch-up-on-grey's-and-completely-distract-her-from-the-greek-history-paper. It worked. I'm not sure who else finds grey's anatomy as interesting as my sisters and I...but that doesn't matter. The humor in grey's is hilarious and others may beg to differ, preferring humor like "the office" or "scrubs". I'll watch The Office because it is pretty funny, but I'm not a fan of Scrubs. Scrubs is the unfunny and stupid version of grey's anatomy. It's the pseudo-intense hospital show where all the unfortunate people hook up and the patients have boring diseases/accidents. Grey's is legit. I mean hello, it's so awesome it made me think I wanted to be in a science related major again...hah. I think I'll stick to my European Studies and observe art pieces and then watch Grey's but not have to deal with all the math or organic chemistry. :)

My Favorite Grey's Quote for the week:
Christina Yang to Meredith and George: Please tell me you've seen a right leg! A cleanly severed right leg!
Meredith Grey to George: How weird is this job.
Christina: How is one bloody hairy leg going to destroy my career?!

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