Saturday, November 22, 2008

"Do I dazzle you?"

Twilight is mui bueno. The movie was grand! Albeit there were some silly parts and some bad acting, but it turned out to be more humorous and entertaining than I thought it would be. There were a few critics of the movie before I went in tonight, but I didn't set my expectations to an unreachable height...therefore Twilight = grand. If anyone opposes, so be it. I think if you go and watch it without ever reading the books you're going to be missing out on a lot, because if you've read the books everything in the movie has so much more meaning than the mere actions. All the actors were well chosen, except I never thought Eric would be Asian. That threw me off, but as for everyone else they were perfect for their parts.

Pre-Twilight fun included t-shirt making with my roommates! Aubrey and I were Team Jacob and Leya was Team Edward. True fans.

One disappointment: I really wanted to hear Robert Pattison's accent and so I was a little perplexed at his American accent. But there were a few parts in the movie where his British drawl slipped out :)

1 comment:

Benjamin Brown said...

TEAM JACOB!!! love your blog girl! :D